Our Houses
St Marcellin Catholic College has undertaken a process of discernment to establish four Houses throughout Semester 2, 2024.
Our House Patrons are connected to the Marist tradition and through their actions and lived experiences inspire our students to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and St Marcellin Champagnat.
Marie-Thérèse Chirat was Marcellin’s mother. She was a woman of utter integrity, stirling faith, and a love of work. She raised her family with the emphasis on piety, social relations and a spirit of thrift. Chirat House is Gold.

Br Stanislaus Healy was the first Marist Principal in Western Australia. He was a man of deep religious conviction, with a great skill in painting, music and poetry. Healy House is Teal.

Jeanne-Marie Chavoin was the founder of the Marist Sisters. She was renowned for doing works of charity when it was not fashionable or glamorous. Chavoin House is Purple.

Br Leonard Read was a student and teacher at the first Marist school in Western Australia. He had a great love for the Aboriginal people, and he was a talented sportsman. Read House is Red.