Marcellin Connect brings our families together to deepen connection and provide support where needed. We prioritise relationship-building and provide opportunity for our families to develop a sense of belonging.

Our primary intention is to open up opportunities to engage and connect our community. This may be in the form of social events, guest speakers and family support.

Marcellin Connect will also provide advice for the allocation of our Marcellin Connect levy.

  • Act to strengthen the relationship between home, school and parish.
  • Provide opportunities for families to connect with one another, to learn and grow together as strong minds and gentle hearts.
  • Ensure that a high level of social and educational interaction exists between home and school, parents and teachers.
  • Endeavor to have all parents enjoy the exciting experience of their children’s formal school years by active participation and personal involvement in the school programs.
  • In particular, concern itself with further education for the parents of the school in their faith development and ensure that a clear understanding of the school’s religious education program exists.
  • Assist in planning and organising functions associated with the social, sporting, cultural and educational life of the school community.
  • Work to provide additional resources which are considered necessary for the children or to assist the teachers in their professional work.

Our group meets twice a term on a Tuesday evening.